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IVR Operator Add-On for Asterisk
17 minutes ago

Budget: $200

Location: Bangladesh

Overall spent: $48k


Clent's rating: 4.8

Hourly rate: N/A

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I want to enhance the asterisk IVR functionality to include an auxiliary callback button for improved user interaction.

Key features include:
- A new auxiliary button that provides added functionality.
- The added feature should manage customer callback requests.
- Specifically, when this auxiliary button is pressed, it should enable the user to speak with a live operator.

Ideal skills for the job:
- Experience in configuring Asterisk IVR systems.
- Proficient in integrating complex functionality into existing systems.
- Proven track record in creating user-friendly options for IVR menus.

This project requires precision, as the new feature needs to integrate seamlessly into the existing system. Therefore, successful bidders should have a sound understanding of customer service operations and modern IVR systems.

AI automation using python
18 minutes ago

Budget: $140

Location: United States

Overall spent: $190k


Clent's rating: 5

Hourly rate: N/A

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create a python script for Mac osx ..

1. that will populate the artifact spreadsheet
2. will create an audit log in a tab in the spreadsheet
3. will display the audit entries in the collection list window ($25 bonus)
4. will display the terminal running the script in status window. ($25 bonus)

we need to solve the problem of iOS software
28 minutes ago

Budget: $100

Location: Singapore

Overall spent: $5.1k


Clent's rating: 1.8

Hourly rate: N/A

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The software is a VPN software that runs on an iPhone with V3 signature. We need to solve the problem of iOS software using V3 trust to download and ensure that the server node can function normally

Build compiler
28 minutes ago

Budget: $50

Location: Israel

Overall spent: N/A


Clent's rating: N/A

Hourly rate: N/A

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Project - part 1 (Scanner and Parser
A scanner must be written in lex and a parser in yacc for a language that has two lights
-published in the model. God
parser should accept any possible code in the above language and build an Abstract Syntax
AST). If there is any syntax error the parser should print an error message accordingly(
For the type of error, you must specify exactly what the error is (as much as possible). You
must write a confirmation function
Scans a tree in preorder and prints the AST if the code is correct. to the function
Use parentheses and indents (similar to the example) in order to emphasize the nesting of
the code

Android App Developer for Classroom Panels
29 minutes ago

Budget: $200

Location: India

Overall spent: $2.3k


Clent's rating: 5

Hourly rate: N/A

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We are looking for an experienced Android app developer to help build an app for classroom Android panels. The initial version of the app will require the basic features, but future updates may involve implementing machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) functionalities. The main goal of the app is to enhance the educational experience in classrooms by providing a user-friendly interface for teachers and students.

Skills required:

- Proficient in Android app development
- Familiarity with building user-friendly interfaces
- Knowledge of basic machine learning and AI concepts
- Ability to work with third-party APIs

We expect the developer to work closely with our team to understand the specific requirements and implement them efficiently. If you have a passion for education and want to contribute to improving the classroom experience, we would love to hear from you!

This is a placeholder bid.

Looking for an Innovative AI Agent Orchestration and Web Automation Platform Developer
34 minutes ago

Budget: $25 000

Location: Turkey

Overall spent: $1.7k


Clent's rating: 4.9

Hourly rate: N/A

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We are looking for an experienced and creative developer to create a groundbreaking AI Agent Orchestration Platform that combines artificial intelligence and web automation. This platform will allow users to design, manage, and automatically complete tasks on the web using complex AI systems.

Project Overview:
The platform we will develop will offer a comprehensive solution for the creation, management, orchestration, and web-based task automation of AI agents. Users will be able to create customized agents, organize them in a visual interface, and enable them to automatically perform various tasks on the web.

Key Features:
Web-Based Task Automation:

An advanced system that allows agents to complete tasks on the web on behalf of the user.
Capabilities for interacting with web pages, filling out forms, extracting data, and performing transactions.
Automating complex workflows and working with multiple web applications.
Prompt-Based Agent Creation Engine:

A system for creating customized AI agents with natural language commands.
A vast library of agent templates and customizable parameters.
An intelligent analysis system that automatically determines the capabilities and limitations of agents.
Visual Agent Design Interface:

A user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop features.
Visualization tools for agent flows and web automation processes.
Real-time preview and simulation features.
Multi-Agent Orchestration System:

An intelligent orchestration engine that manages the interaction of agents with different roles.
Automatic optimization algorithms for task distribution and resource management.
Communication protocols and conflict resolution mechanisms between agents.
Real-Time Performance Monitoring and Analytics:

Comprehensive metrics that measure the performance of agents and web automation tasks.
Customizable dashboards and reporting tools.
Anomaly detection and automatic alert systems.
Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

A full-fledged IDE for editing agent codes and web automation scripts.
Features such as syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and code refactoring.
Integrated version control system.
AI Model Integration:

Ability to integrate popular AI models into the platform.
Tools for training and integrating custom AI models.
Model performance comparison and optimization tools.
Security and Ethical Control System:

Mechanisms that ensure AI agents and web automations comply with ethical rules.
Advanced encryption and access control systems for data privacy and security.
Audit trail and compliance reporting tools.
API and Integration Layer:

Comprehensive APIs for easy integration with third-party applications.
Support for webhooks and event-driven architecture.
Integration with popular workflow and automation tools.
Agent and Automation Marketplace:

A marketplace where users can share their custom agents and web automation scripts.
Community forums, knowledge base, and training materials.
Agent and automation rating system.

Keep in mind, our initial application will be a highly-featured, LangFlow-like platform. We will create an automated MultiOn-style agent that can be tested from a separate screen. A project similar to will be developed from scratch. Additionally, searches will be conducted via prompts, automatically generating RAGs to quickly create agents. This will involve RAG-based development and optimization, with monitoring and oversight from a dashboard, akin to AgentOps

Android App Project - Android App Developer Opportunity
36 minutes ago

Budget: $30

Location: Germany

Overall spent: $4.9k


Clent's rating: 5

Hourly rate: N/A

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We are seeking a talented Android App Developer to develop and maintain high-quality mobile applications. Initially, you will work on a small task within an existing Android application, with the potential for additional features in the future. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of the Android development platform, a passion for mobile technologies, and a proven track record of delivering robust, user-friendly applications.

Fixes to be done:
-Profile Page: Fix the issue with uploading images from the camera or storage.
-Posts: Resolve issues with the post screen and implement a swipe-to-refresh feature.
We expect the selected candidate to possess expert-level expertise in mobile app development, with a proven track record of delivering high-quality, user-friendly applications.

Search Engine Results API Platform Development Project
39 minutes ago

Budget: $8 000

Location: Turkey

Overall spent: $1.7k


Clent's rating: 4.9

Hourly rate: N/A

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We are looking for experienced software developers to develop an API platform that collects search engine results in real time and presents them in a structured data format. The project aims to create a service similar to SerpAPI.

Required Skills:

Web scraping and data analysis
RESTful API design and development
Proxy management and IP rotation
CAPTCHA solving techniques
High scalable system architecture
Expertise in at least one of Python, Node.js, or Go
Data structuring and JSON processing
Knowledge of search engine algorithms
Project Scope:

Developing an API with multi-search engine support
Creating customizable query parameters
Establishing data fetching and processing systems
Preparing API documentation
Designing a scalable and high-performance infrastructure

Example :
"Please check this site, it will be a project just like this!"

Fitness Mobile App
42 minutes ago

Budget: $100

Location: Pakistan

Overall spent: N/A


Clent's rating: N/A

Hourly rate: N/A

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We are seeking a skilled and experienced Flutter developer to create a fitness app. The app will provide users with workout routines, track their fitness progress, and offer features like goal setting, progress tracking, and social sharing.

I want to create custom dropdown component for react js
42 minutes ago

Budget: $5

Location: Indonesia

Overall spent: $5.3k


Clent's rating: 5

Hourly rate: N/A

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Hello upworker,

I want to create custom dropdown component for react js

with multiple select and filtering text. deadline 2 days. budget 5 dollars. I will tell you more details in private.

thank you

Need a talented frontend developer to join my team
44 minutes ago

Budget: $200

Location: India

Overall spent: N/A


Clent's rating: N/A

Hourly rate: N/A

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I need a talented frontend developer with skills in
- react
- next
- gsap or framer motion
- tailwind css
to join my team.

What I want to do is create fancy websites like the ones you see on Awwwwards website with all those fancy animations

do share your past work in cover letter

Design landing page and dashboard
58 minutes ago

Budget: $500

Location: Netherlands

Overall spent: $130k


Clent's rating: 4.3

Hourly rate: N/A

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Looking for a designer to design a nicer version of an existing dashboard and landing page
Need to be able to show a great portfolio
Design in Figma
Need to design within a week and within budget

Regular Expression Expert With Solid Exp. in C#, ASP.NET MVC
1 hour ago

Budget: $40

Location: France

Overall spent: $1.2k


Clent's rating: 5

Hourly rate: N/A

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This task requires solid experience in C#, ASP.NET MVC, .NET 4.8, and excellent expertise in writing regular expressions.

I need to create a Date Simulator POC with the following components :

Component 1: Simple ASP.NET Razor Page with the following fields, no Confirm Button to post user input.

Start Date : (format MM/YYYY)

End Date : (format MM/YYYY)

Each input field takes a text and not a date.
However, users must enter text that looks much like a date and respect the format MM/YYYY. For example 02/2024.

Component 2 Create a model class called CustomDate.cs with 2 attributes or properties :

public string EmployementStartDate
public string EmployementEndDate

Implement model validation using regular expressions according to the following rules in the attached document.

Please see the details in the attached document.

** If you are interested let me know what you have understood about the requirements, and if you can deliver the job within 48 hours.

** If you succeed in this exercise, much work lies ahead for you.

NFC Smart Card Developer Needed for AID Discovery and Data Extraction on Omani eID
1 hour ago

Budget: $500

Location: Oman

Overall spent: $0.5k


Clent's rating: 5

Hourly rate: N/A

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Job Title
NFC Smart Card Developer Needed for AID Discovery and Data Extraction on Omani eID

Job Description
We are seeking an experienced NFC Smart Card Developer to assist us with discovering the Application Identifier (AID) and extracting data from the Omani eID (electronic identity card). The ideal candidate will have a strong background in NFC technology, smart card communication protocols, and Android development.

• Analyze and understand the structure and communication protocol of the Omani eID.
• Develop a method to identify the AID used by the Omani eID.
• Implement a solution to extract data from the eID, including using MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) if necessary.
• Ensure the solution is secure, efficient, and compliant with all relevant standards and regulations.
• Document the entire process, including steps taken, code used, and any issues encountered and resolved.

• Proven experience with NFC technology and smart card communication protocols.
• Strong understanding of APDU (Application Protocol Data Unit) commands.
• Experience with Android development, particularly in working with NFC on Android devices.
• Ability to write and debug Java code for Android.
• Familiarity with AID and data extraction from various eIDs (e.g., EU, UAE).
• Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
• Ability to document technical processes clearly and thoroughly.

Preferred Qualifications:
• Previous experience with eID projects, particularly in the Middle East region.
• Familiarity with security and encryption methods used in eID systems.
• Experience with using tools such as NFC Tools, TagInfo, or other NFC exploration apps.

Need ultra-talented logo designer
1 hour ago

Budget: $5 000

Location: United States

Overall spent: $8.5k


Clent's rating: 5

Hourly rate: N/A

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I'm looking for a very talented graphic designer to create a logo mark (and other brand elements) for my premium clothing brand.

No scribbly, cartoony logos. We want elegance & luxury.

Clean, unique, and simple.

Please share some logo marks (not text-based logos, but icon-based) that are similar to what I described above so I can judge if you could design something for me too!

If we resonate, I'd like to hire you full-time to keep creating awesome looking stuff for the brand.

Freelance jobs online become more and more relevant every day! The popularity and growth of freelancing are explained by the convenience for different parties, both for employers and employees. And this is not the end, everyone repeats the same thing - soon ordinary work will completely lose the meaning of existence.

And this is also due to the rapid development of technology and the IT industry. Old equipment goes into another life, new ones are improved every day, new functions are developed and perfect technologies are invented that can make life easier for the entire human population. Freelance jobs online from home have become just as popular and versatile due to mass layoffs of employees from work in enterprises and large job cuts. People urgently needed to come up with a new trend, a new type of income, which helped bring them to a new level and cope with the problem.

So, you should be a well-motivated, ambitious, resilient, and stress-resistant person to take steps to change your life, change for the better.

If you are looking for a full-time or part-time job, we recommend that you contact here -

If you are still undecided or are thinking about changing jobs, here is a list of the freelance jobs online for beginners.

  • Accountant.

You will be responsible for filing financial statements and filing changes. You will also need to develop accounting accounts, prepare profit and loss information.

  • Account Executive.

This employee is in charge of creating links to new accounts. They should also work to expand and supplement business opportunities for clients or employers.

  • Copywriter.

You will need to write text for different purposes, it can be marketing advertising or even image.You can write slogans, emails, articles, and informational content for groups. This kind of work is ideal for people who are looking for freelance jobs remotely.

  • Graphic designer.

These guys need to have creativity, creativity, and out-of-the-box thinking because they will have to imagine well, feel the pain of the consumer's content, and create a visual masterpiece that will fulfill a commercial or aesthetic function.

  • PR manager.

All you have to do is maintain and improve the image of your clients or employers. You also need to know how to work with the media and manage your social media accounts.

Now, thanks to modern technology and the Internet, professionals can find freelance jobs for students.

  • Programmer.

The task of this specialty is to write code for operating systems. To understand this, you will need to constantly learn new things, develop, and supplement.

  • Tech writer.

This profession allows you to receive the highest salary. A person who decided to connect his life with this role will be obliged to simplify complex technical information by creating instructions, manuals, magazines, and other documentation.

  • Web developer.

This job, like everyone else, you can find on our freelance jobs sites. These specialists should take responsibility for the design and creation of websites, development of their functionality and appearance.

  • Software developer.

This is one of the most widespread and popular roles in our time. Your responsibilities will be to design and develop software through coding, testing, and troubleshooting in different programming languages. There is an opinion that the more a programmer knows programming languages, the more he gets.